Do we need code review?

What is the code review? Simple as its name: Do the review after coding done of a project, feature or just a task. At my company, Catglobe Vietnam, we usually do that, and it is a MUST. PM or TL will do that job.

I was surprised once i asked my friends: How was that going in your company? Got the same answer: No we did not do that stuffs. The first thought came up in my head was that the company is an outsourcing and they do not care much about the quality of code, just passing test is enough to hand over to the client. However, not only that kind of company; company owned the code, call code base, also does the same thing.

How can they build up a good software without reviewing the quality of code, coding style,… ? Being asked that question, they said that: out of resource.

I wonder how many companies really take  care of code review while developing???

Maybe an idea of a code review company ….

Just Finish It: JFI

I really like this term.


Watching some movies, especially about soldier, they usually take responsibility for what the upper asks them to do. They try to finish it, get it done no matter what happen, sometime they risk their life.

Going into Agile world, in development software, i have seen the “DONE”, pretty much the same meaning of JFI.

It makes me think of my life and others, what they have done, they said: I finish it, it is done, but in fact it does not.


Going down the street, how many constructions say they’re done? A lot, and nearly all. But look at the street, how does it look like after that?? Terrible.

Going into software development, given a task, how many things left after you said it is done? -> This one was from my experience.

So, what all those things mean? is it better if we develop a habit of getting something, a given task, things we are responsible for, done: JFI