EF Core Getting Started

I am learning Entity Framework Core as part of my Azure journey. Database is an important part in an application. In the old days, developers wrote raw SQL queries. Later, we have had ADO.NET. Recently we have ORM. I have had a chance to work (know) the 2 big guys: NHibernate and Entity Framework.

ORM does more than just a mapping between object model and database representation, such as SQL Table, Column. Each ORM framework comes with a plenty of features, supports variety of scenarios. ORM helps you build a better application. Let’s discover some from the latest ORM from Microsoft: Entity Framework Core.

I was amazed by visiting the official document site. Everything you need to learn is there, in well-written, understandable pages. To my learning, I started with courses on Pluralsight, author Julie Lerman. If you happen to have Pluralsight account, go ahead and watch them. I is worth your time. Then I read the EF document on its official site.

It is  easy to say that “Hey I know Entity Framework Core“. Yes, I understand it. But I need the skill, not just a mental understanding. To make sure I build EF skill, I write blog posts and write code. It is also my advice to you, developers.

Journey to Azure

Getting Started Objectives

  1. Define a simple domain model and hook up with EF Core in ASP.NET Core + EF Core project
  2. Migration: From code to database
  3. API testing with Postman or Fiddler (I do not want to spend time on building UI)
  4. Unit Testing with In Memory and real databases.
  5. Running on Azure with Azure SQL
  6. Retry strategy

1 – Domain Model

To get started, I have only these super simple domain model

namespace Aduze.Domain
    public abstract class Entity
        public int Id { get; set; }

    public class User : Entity
        public string LoginName { get; set; }
        public string FullName { get; set; }
        public Image Avatar { get; set; }

    public class Image : Entity
        public string Uri { get; set; }

A User with an avatar (Image).

Next, I have to setup DbContext

namespace Aduze.Data
    public class AduzeContext : DbContext
        public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }

        public AduzeContext(DbContextOptions options)
        protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)

        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

Pretty simple just like the example in the document site. Just a quick note here, I organize domain classes in Domain project, data access layer in Data project. I do not like the term Repository very much.

Wire them up in the ASP.NET Core Web project

       public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddDbContext<AduzeContext>(options =>
            services.AddLogging(log =>

Just call the extension method: AddDbContext and done. God damn simple!

2 – Migration

The system cannot work unless there is a database. There are 2 possible solutions

  1. Use your SQL skill and create database with correct schema.
  2. Use what EF offers

I have done the former many years. Let’s explore the later.

Having your VS 2017 opened, access the Package Manager Console window


EF Core Add Migration
EF Core Add Migration
  1. Default project: Aduze.Data where the DbContext is configured.
  2. Add-Migration: A PowerShell command supplied by EF Core. Tips: Type Get-Help Add-Migration to ask for help
  3. InitializeUser: The migration name. One can give whatever makes sense.

After executed, The “Migrations” folder is added into the Data project. Visit EF Core document to understand what it does and syntaxes.


So how does the SQL script look like?

PM> Script-Migration
IF OBJECT_ID(N'__EFMigrationsHistory') IS NULL
    CREATE TABLE [__EFMigrationsHistory] (
        [MigrationId] nvarchar(150) NOT NULL,
        [ProductVersion] nvarchar(32) NOT NULL,
        CONSTRAINT [PK___EFMigrationsHistory] PRIMARY KEY ([MigrationId])


    [Uri] nvarchar(max) NULL,


    [AvatarId] int NULL,
    [FullName] nvarchar(max) NULL,
    [LoginName] nvarchar(max) NULL,


CREATE INDEX [IX_Users_AvatarId] ON [Users] ([AvatarId]);


INSERT INTO [__EFMigrationsHistory] ([MigrationId], [ProductVersion])
VALUES (N'20180420112151_InitializeUser', N'2.0.2-rtm-10011');


Cool! I can take the script and run in SQL Management Studio. Having scripts ready, I can use them to create Azure SQL database later on.


Which allows me to create the database directly from Package Manager Console (which is a PowerShell). Let’s see

PM> Update-Database -Verbose

By turning Verbose on, It logs everything out in the console. The result is my database created

EF Update Database
EF Update Database

It is very smart. How could It do?

  1. Read the startup project Aduze.Web and extract the ConnectionString from appsettings.json
  2. Run the migrations created from Add-Migration command.

3 – API Testing

So far nothing has happened yet.

namespace Aduze.Web.Controllers
    public class UserController : Controller
        private readonly AduzeContext _context;

        public UserController(AduzeContext context)
            _context = context;
        public async Task<IActionResult> Create([FromBody]User user)
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            return Json(user);

        public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
            var users = await _context.Users.ToListAsync();
            return Json(users);

A typical Web API controller.

  1. Create: Will insert a user. There is no validation, mapping between request to domain, … It is not a production code.
  2. Index: List all users.

Here is the test using Postman

API Test with Postman
API Test with Postman

If I invoke the /user endpoint, the user is on the list.

Hey, what was going on behind the scene?


There are plenty of information you can inspect from the Debug window. When inserting a user, those are queries sent to the database (you should see the one to insert the avatar image).

So far so good. I have gone from domain model and build a full flow endpoint API. How about unit testing?

4 – Unit Test

One of the biggest concern when doing unit test is the database dependency. How could EF Core help? It has In-Memory provider. But first, I have to refactor my code since I do not want to test API controller.

namespace Aduze.Data
    public class UserData
        private readonly AduzeContext _context;

        public UserData(AduzeContext context)
            _context = context;

        public async Task<User> Create(User user)
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            return user;

        public async Task<IEnumerable<User>> GetAll()
            return await _context.Users.ToListAsync();

namespace Aduze.Web.Controllers
    public class UserController : Controller
        private readonly UserData _userData;

        public UserController(UserData userData)
            _userData = userData;
        public async Task<IActionResult> Create([FromBody]User user)
            return Json(await _userData.Create(user));

        public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
            return Json(await _userData.GetAll());

That’s should do the trick. Then just register the new UserData service to IoC

        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddDbContext<AduzeContext>(options =>

Time to create a test project: Aduze.Tests. And then install the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory package

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory

This is really cool, see below

Unit Test DbContext in Memory
Unit Test DbContext in Memory

Because my refactor UserData uses async version. It seems to have a problem with MS Tests runner. But it is the same with testing directly again AduzeDbContext.

  1. Use DbContextOptionsBuilder to tell EF Core that the context will use In Memory provider.
  2. Pass the options to DbContext constructor.

Having the power to control which provider will be using is a powerful design. One can have a test suite that is independent to the provider. Most of the time we will test with In Memory provider. But when time comes to verify that the database schema is correct, can switch to a real database.

5 – Azure SQL

Time to grow up … to the cloud with these simple steps

  1. Publish the web to Azure
  2. Create Azure SQL database
  3. Update connection string
  4. Run the script (remember the Script-Migration command?) to create database schema
Azure set ConnectionString
Azure set ConnectionString

Just add the connection string: AduzeSqlConnection (is defined in appsettings.json at the local development).

Test again with Postman. Oh yeah baby. It works like a charm.

6 – Retry Strategy

This topic is not something I want to explore at this stage of my learning journey. But it is important to be aware of, at least note down the reference link to Connection Resiliency.


Wrap Up

It is not something new nor complicated if we look at its surface. However, when I get my hands dirty at the code and writing, I learn so much. Knowing how to define a DbContext is easy, understanding why it was designed that way is another complete story.

But is that all about EF Core? No. It is just a beginning. There are many things that developers will look at them when they experience problems in real projects. The document is there, the community is there. Oh, S.O has all answers.

What I will look at next is how EF Core supports developers with DDD (Domain Driven Design).

Leadership 101

Leadership is earned nor by asked or given. One might be in Team Leader position does not mean they have leadership. Leadership is also a concept. There are many definitions that can be found easily by asking Google. What important is that how you think about it, about what makes sense to you when hearing the term Leadership.

One leads others and be led by another. Not many people have absolute power. In the old day, the king might have such a power. Nowadays, people are trying to approach with flat structure. Regardless of what people are trying to achieve, in my opinion, there is a group, there is a leader.

Ok, “Let’s me send you to a leadership class so you will be a great leader, a boss says. I do not think. It does not work that way. It does not happen overnight. You have to build it over time consciously. It is a god damn hard job, I must say. To go on that journey, you have to make up your mind

Do you want to become a leader? Do you want to build your leadership skill?

It is ok to say: No, Thanks. I am fine which whatever I am.

About 4 years ago, I decided to go on that journey. Am I a great leader? I do not know, honestly. But I do know that I am doing good in that direction. There is no an end on this journey. I am getting better over the time.

What I am sharing here is what I believe in, the principles I follow. There is no true/false in them, just my own experience.

Read Books

If you want to build leadership skill, you have to read books about the topic. Some can lead without reading books. Unfortunately I am not in that group.

Reading a book will not make you a good leader. How about a hundred, a thousand, will it make any difference? Yes, it is.

When reading a book, I get what I can make sense of. Then I think about them. Slowly apply them with care. It is difficult at the beginning but get better over the time.

Understand What Leadership Means to You

Can you tell me what it means to you? Can you write them down? Well well well! A simple question but not easy answer. How can one do a good job when they do not know what it means?

How to find out what it means to you? By reading books, observing other leaders around you. You will come up with ones that are truly yours. It must reflect your personality. Sometime it might take years to figure out.

Care and Trust People

People gather in a group/team to do a particular job, usually paid by cash. Get the job done, get money, and done. As a leader, what do you care? The job done or people or both? You know your answer best. Hey, we are professional, there is a separation between profession and person.

Really? No matter how hard you try. It is not going to work. People come to work with full emotion they got from yesterday, which includes some bad events, some bullshit stuff from the work, some personal selfishness, … everything comes with them. Why? Because they belong to them. They own their emotion. Not many people have the ability to control their own emotion.

To get the job done, you have to take care of their emotion as well. You do not have to solve their emotion problems. But you do have to care, or at least let them know that you care.

If you do not trust them, sooner or later they will leave you. People leave their boss not the job.

I believe that many leaders care and trust others. But that does not matter. What matters is how other feel, think about it. Recently, I know the concept Objective vs Subjective. You can look them on the internet easily. Most people care about objective: right or wrong, fact, logic. Subjective is about perception.

A leader can tell their team “I trust you“.

The team might think “Oh really, do you?“.

Understand How People Behave

Why are you doing this?” is a sign that you do not understand your members. Human being acts upon the habit they have been building since they are born. Some are very careful, some are fast, the other are slow. They react to the world as they see it, not how it is.

But that does not make any sense! Oh make sense to whom? if we, as leaders, spend time to learn how people behave, we can work together, we can help each other.


If I confuse you, sorry. I am mumbling my thoughts 🙂 But hope it helps you in some ways.

Welcome to Azure – Getting Started: Codename Aduze

I have not had an official chance to work deeply with Azure. Most of my knowledge come from reading here and there; from watching Pluralsight courses. I have knowledge about Azure but lacking skills. Besides Azure, ASP.NET Core has been there for a while; the latest is ASP.NET Core 2.0. I need to catch the train before it’s gone too far.

To learn technologies, you have to build something using them. I have to build a web application to get started. The focus is not about the business domain, it is about learning technologies. What should I call my project? Naming is always a problem 🙁

While thinking about Azure, when pronouncing in Vietnamese, there is a similar sound: A dua. It means “follow the trend, follow the crowd, …” Sounds like a good idea, I said. Because I am learning the newest technology stacks. Let’s call it: Aduze.

Aduze – Vietnamese Azure

I like it. Let’s start.

Starting with create a new project with ASP.NET MVC Razor (3) project template. Here what I got

ASP.NET Core 2 Project Template
ASP.NET Core 2 Project Template

Looks clean and simple. Press F5 and you have a website. Because I have been working with ASP.NET MVC, I understand most of the parts. The new stuff is the project file. Let’s take a quick tour Core Project File. One can click and view a detail explanation on MS Docs. To my learning, I just summary (repeat) them here

  1. Sdk: Specify the MSBuild tasks and target that will build the project. There are 2 valid IDs: Microsoft.NET.Sdk and Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web
  2. TargetFramework: the framework ID: netcoreapp2.0
  3. PackageReference: Define NuGet packages to restore while building.
  4. DotNetCliToolReference: CLI tool to restore. Not sure I understand what it is 😛

What is special about this project file? That is I could not find any file/folder reference. Remember the old days where a project file has all files/folders included in the project. We have not paid much attention to that until there is a conflict in a team. When 2 members add 2 different files, the end result is that, quite often, the other guy has to resolve the conflict.

wwwroot serves files from public access such as images, CSS files, or any file that allows public access. If I need to view the jquery license file, simply type http://localhost/lib/jquery/license.txt There is no wwwroot in the URL.

On Visual Studio, run the application with F5 and see the output

Core Web Server Console Output
Core Web Server Console Output


The ConfigureServices is called and then Configure. There are a whole bunch of other things we can learn such as which middleware invoked.


Step back and look at the default scaffold template. There are things I want fully understand first. When MVC first introduced, I jumped directly into the business code with the default scaffold template. And since then I have not had a chance to look back once. Mostly because there was no such a need for that. It was one of my learning mistake.

The Dependencies node tells us that there are 2 dependencies

  1. NuGet: Package manager
  2. SDK: Manage the build

Entry Point and Integration

The entry point is the Program class where it will start the application server Kestrel. Kestrel is responsible for running MVC application code. In the production environment, there will be 2 servers

  1. External Server: The old friend IIS (there are other in another OS but I just know IIS). IIS takes care of heavy tasks when dealing with outside world, things such as Security, DDoS, … before it sends the request to the internal server.
  2. Internal Server: Kestrel.

A developer can start a Kestrel server using dotnet command line (.NET Core CLI): dotnet run

The ASP.NET Core itself does not require or use web.config file. However, when hosting in IIS, there is a web.config file which is used by IIS; see the full explanation of AspnetCoreModule.


3 important things

  1. ConfigureServices: Where all dependencies are registered and setup
  2. Configure: Configure system components and pipeline (Middleware)
  3. Configuration (IConfiguration): Allow access to external configuration files. The obvious example is accessing values in appsettings.json file.


So far so good. I can understand the default project structure and how things work. Let’s deploy the application to Azure and explore more from there.

Deploying to Azure from VS2017 is super easy. Just right click on the web project and choose publish. What interesting is the files being deployed to Azure.

Publishing Azure
Publishing Azure

Those are files being deployed to Azure App Service. Notice that there is a web.config file. It does not exist in .NET Core 2.0 project

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModule" resourceType="Unspecified" />
    <aspNetCore processPath="dotnet" arguments=".\Aduze.Web.dll" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" />
<!--ProjectGuid: 677f4bbf-84eb-44b7-a91e-b45ebfa48586-->

It registers AspNetCoreModule with App Service IIS so the communication between IIS and Kestrel work.

Wrap Up

I have not done anything special so far. Just look around the default template, try to understand pieces here and there.

  1. Understand the ASP.NET Core 2 Project template
  2. Understand IIS and Kestrel work together
  3. Understand the role of Program and Startup classes, as well as the Middleware pipeline. I wrote about it 1 year ago.
  4. It is easy to wire up a Kestrel web server (dotnet run CLI)

I will explore the Azure, Data Storage, and many other cool stuff using the project. More will come.

Have a nice weekend! (this post started days ago. I wrote along with my journey).