Concept and Feature
Some useful post about concept, feature in design architect from Ayenda.
Application structure concept & feature
Feature by feature
Software Developer, Architect, and Personal Development
Some useful post about concept, feature in design architect from Ayenda.
Application structure concept & feature
Feature by feature
It has been more than 9 months since the last OMMM ( One Minute Manager Management) meeting. It is quite a long time for a meeting period since we have many things to do in that, delay of release, economic recession, …
Forget all of them, i come into the meeting, just a few worlds after that. The result is not bad, can be called: accepted however, there are something left with the feeling.
The good news were that i have had some new good goals. The bad news is when will the next OMMM meeting be?
Technical issue? Problems? Solutions? Salary? Job? …. what should i write about?
Each has its appeal. Forget them, write about a table, yes the one i use at work 🙂
Nothing’s special, except that i have just changed the position. However it brings a new air to me.
To activate the ability of Windows Workflow Foundation project supported i ran the script, as mentioned in previous post. However, it caused another problem. When i created a new project, VS said there was no templates found. The nice thing was that it came up with an instruction: look at the event viewer of the system.
Yeah, really nice VS, You need to run this line in Command Promp of VS:
devenv.exe /installvstemplates
Reopen the VS and continue your work.
I as a beginner of Windows Foundation stuffs: Workflow, Communication, Presentation, have first read book about Windows Workflow Foundation: Pro WF Windows Workflow in .NET 3.5, author Bruce Bukivics.
The book easily gets me stuck in reading, so interesting. I finished reading 2 chapters and felt the eager to start on something the book says. The only ways to get things remember while reading is doing something practical: start programming in this case.
Can you guess what did happen when i create an WF project?? My VS2008 said: the syste failed to load this project type. It nearly killed me at a shoot. My normal process will be, ask my friend Google. However thing was not that easy. I spent many hours to look for the solution. Not much luck at that time. However i am lucky today.
The solution is quite simple 🙂 :
Bravo it works, the source of solution can be reached here