What’s next?

So far i have finished 2 courses i wish about PMM. They are so good i can say. Busy for 2 months, now i am free.

What should i do next? I feel i want to learn more, the question is what to learn next? Going deeper in technology or learn something different: creative, biz, psychology, …

What the HPM gave me so far? The methodology approach to a problem, how to look at a problem in a process eyes. However it is still something vague at this time.

What’s next i should focus on????

Time flies

Wow time flies. It has been about a month, which mean ending up my HPM class. I promised with myself to post anything i’ve learned from the class. However, things were not that easy :(. The course is so useful. Honestly i have learned thousands of new things, widen my view. But i do not have experience on Project Management, which prevents me from fully understand the course and how to apply it. That was also the reason why i did not post anything.

Today is the last day of the class. I have finished 2 courses so far, SPM and HPM for project manager. Trying to apply for the company is not an easy task but possible :). Let’s start with analyzing the current problems:

  • Find bugs root cause: Bugs are the normal thing, Every software has bug. However, focusing on its cause, you can improve many things in the current process, and of course, reduce the bugs count.
  • Analyze steps of the current development process: It works fine now, however, from the bug analyzing, it is one of the cause. It seems that there is a lack of input/output in each step.

That are 2 things i will start with. Oobs, i am talking about time flies not improving process 🙁

Looking back a month, when i was first attending the course, i cannot imagine how fast the time flies. Let me summary my typical day:

  • Got up at 6h15: Personal washup and did some physical exercise.
  • Went to work at about: 8h, sometime earlier.
  • Out of office at 5h30 then went to school at 6h30, for 2-4-6. On 3-5-7 i am at Badminton club
  • Out of school at 9h30.
  • Back to home at 9h45
  • Took a bath and relax a bit, looked at the clock, it said 11h
  • I had 1 hour left to do other stuffs before going to bed.
  • Sometime, after school i went out with friends having some drink.

Then in summary, i feel a week is just a day or less :(. Am i a busy or hard working man?? No not really, it is just a working day as others. I know there are many people having unsleep schedule. I just do a little thing. While in the class, the lecture said a lot about his education and job. I wonder, how many hours does he have in a day? How can they cover all of them?

Everyone does love weekend and me too 🙂 Usually go out with friend for coffee, billards,…

HPM-Project charter and Scope statement

Process groups and Process knowledge areas

5 process groups:

  1. Initiating process

  2. Planning process

  3. Executing process

  4. Monitoring and Controlling process

  5. Closed process

9 process knowledge areas:

  1. 4 areas to identify the goals and scope of the project: Scope, Time, Cost, and Quality

  2. 4 areas to achieve those goals: Human resources, Communication, Risk, and Procurement management.

  3. And the final is project integration management.

Project Charter

It is the first process in the initiating process group which helps you initiate the project properly and gets all stakeholders into account.


  1. Contract: The first thing to take into account.

  2. Project statement of work ( SOW): Specify the needs of the company, scope of the project and the customer.

It should follow this form:

Statement of Work

  • Scope: Describe work in detail: Hardware, software and the mature of work.

  • Place of work: where the work is taken placed.

  • Time: Start date, finish date, working hour, and other time scheduling.

  • Schedule for transferring result: Specify clearly task name, detail and period as well.

  • Standard being applied: Mention about any company or industrial standard will be used to do the project.

  • Standard to justify the result: Describe how the customer will accept the result. On the other hand, it means that you must define: how is it called DONE.

  • Special requirements: Any things other than above, for instance, license.

  1. Enterprise environmental factors: Take your company environment into account: culture, structure, standard, resources, infrastructure, information system,…

  2. Organizational process assets: Rule and regular of the company, standard process, financial procedure and risk management. The paper work is important for the PM since you might in a situation where your member did something, like customer relationship, and then gave you a receipt of 100$. However, in the paper of the company. He only has 50$ maximum for that action.


Here are what you should achieve after processing the input. The result will be presented to everybody involved in the project including stakeholders.

  1. Project name, sponsor name

  2. Relationship between project objectives and company objectives. Why is it important? Being a project manager you must be responsible for the development of the company. Therefore, the relationship must be taken into account. If they are in opposite side then we should reconsider.

  3. Estimated time for the project.

  4. Authorization of PM: As a project manager of the project, you should know what you are allowed to do what are not. IMPORTANT!

  5. Other functional departments and how to get them in a meeting.

  6. Budget, Resources

  7. Describe in short the goals of the project.

  8. Sign of sponsor: in fact, all must be signed, however, we should pay attention on sponsor.

Here is the paper form which will hand out to everybody. It makes sure that everyone understands the project.

Project Charter

Project title:

Start date: End date:

Budget information:

Project Manager:

  • Name

  • Phone

  • Email.

Project objectives:


Roles and Responsibilities:



Organization/ Position

Contact information

Sign-off: all member and stakeholders

Comments: Comments from stakeholders if applicable.

Scope statement

To have a preliminary project scope statement.

Input: Pretty much the same as project charter plus with the output of the project charter.


  1. Project justification: Give points of view about the possibility of the project.

  2. Short description of the project: Tell in general what the project is about.

  3. Summary product characteristics and requirements.

  4. Project success criteria: define when and how the project is done. It is very important.

  5. Project constraints: constraints on budget, time and other if applicable.

  6. Assumptions: depend pretty much on the experiences of the PM, information.

Finally we have a form of scope statement:

Project title:

Date: Prepared by:

Project justification:

Product characteristics and requirements:




Summary of project deliverables:

  1. Project management-related deliverables: business card, charter, team contract, scope statement, WBS, schedule, cost baseline, status reports, final project presentation, final project report, lesson-learned report, and any other documents required to manage project.

  2. Product-related deliverables: research reports, design documents, software code, hardware, etc…

Project success criteria:

It is quite a lot theory. Depending on the type and weight of project you are working on, you can omit some of them. The important thing is that there are some final result on papers.

How am i going to practice this? Imaging one simple project, like making a website and then apply the process. No need to really implement the website.

Next PMM course – HPM at FMIT

I just got a good news from the company to join the next course from FMIT – hard skills in project management – HPM. I am really looking forward it since when i was at SPM course, there was a friend, wow a superman really, he took 2 classes at the same time, told me that the course was so greate both in agenda and the lecturer.

The institute promises providing 44 models about project management. It is quite alot really. With the limitation of time in one month, exactly 12  lessions, 3 hours for each. I wonder how can they transfer those knowledge and how do we use them in reality? So, personal thinking, the course requires cooperation alot from the students. And those will make the lession much more interesting.

With the SPM course, it has changed my life, my way a little bit. Now come with the HPM, do it will help me changing my working way? of cource, in better way 🙂

The class will start on 25/05/2009.

Hope i have something to post here after each lession.

AjaxPro – first try

As i mentioned in the previous post, i now start with my code base for stories of version 1.0. In general, it contains 3 layers as other software. Data access, Business, and Presentation. Let see what i have in my mind:

  1. Data access: wow i can do all the stuffs with NHibernate. So just ignore it for now. I have tried NHibernate before, so it is not so difficult to get started.
  2. Business layer: As you can see all user stories in this version. Simple, right? Yes, it is. So just build the objects i need first, however, no need to say them here.
  3. Presentation: I want to keep it as simple as possible. However, it should be a rich web page which means that there is no real postback. Yeah THIS IS THING I TALK IN THIS POST.

AJAX! sure i should use AJAX to communication between client and server. The thing is which one? There are some options:

  1. ADO with data service: implement as webserver when you want to ask something from server.
  2. AjaxPro: Call method in the current page without posting back. I vote for this.

Basically, this technique was not new to me since in the company i have been working with a technique called ServerMethods, developed by our talent developers, except me. It has been there sine i went in. However, AjaxPro is much better which many types supported and it is constantly developed by the community, go in ajaxpro for more detail.

All you need to do to get it works is:

  • Add ajaxpro.dll into web reference.
  • Register type of class you are using ajaxpro.
  • And then call it from the client site.

Here what i did, simple:

Server side:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using AjaxPro;
using AnhDuc.BookStore.BusinessLayer;

namespace AnhDuc.BookStore
   public partial class Default : Page
      protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         AjaxPro.Utility.RegisterTypeForAjax(typeof (Default));

      public Book GetResult(string searchKeyWord)
         return new Book() {Name = searchKeyWord};

And from client side:

   function startSearch() {
          try {
             var _book = AnhDuc.BookStore.Default.GetResult($("#_txtKeyname").val()).value;
          catch (e) {

That’s enough! I am going to finish the user story 1 soon.