City life

  • Anonymity: state of being with a name that is unknown or not made public.
  • city-dweller: person living in the city
  • commuter: person who travels regularly by bus, train or car between one’s place of work and one’s home.
  • congestion: state of being too full, overcrowded -> traffic congestion.
  • cosmopolitan: containing people from all over the world
  • cost of living
  • facade: front ( of a building)
  • glamorous: full of attracting or exciting quality which sb/sth has and which seems out of reach to others.
  • irresistible: too strong/ too delightful or attractive to be resisted
  • lure: things that attracts or invites; power of attracting.
  • metropolis: chief city of a region or country
  • stimulation: making sb/sth more active or alert
  • strain: severe demand on one’s mental or physical strength, resources, abilities.
  • to breed crime

Most people in developed countries are city – dwellers, many drawn by the irresistible lure of the metropolis. The attractions of the city are many: the cosmopolitan atmosphere (foreign restaurants, different languages, international companies), the stimulation of cultural events or the simple hope of finding work. All too many find, however, that the glamorous facade is false. One can be very alone in the city and the anonymity which at first seems to give freedom and protection later leaves just loneliness. There is a lot to do be everything is expensive. The cost of living is high. There is pollution not only of the physical but also of the moral environment and the various pressure of urban life cause cities to breed crime. Above all, perhaps, it is the daily stresses and strains of the city which make life there a matter of survival rather than of enjoyment. Many a commuter struggling to work through the rush – hour congestion asks, ‘Is it worth it?’

datePicker and multi month picker

I have a need to build a kind of booking system, reservation system. Which related to start date and end date of staying. Then i rushed on google for date picker component. Which was quite easy task. There are plenty of them out there.

However, then i considered of what would make user in hospitality easy to work with date chosen? Considering you are looking for a hotel for you holiday, then what would be your starting day and how long will you stay? Mostly, you plan about 15days or 1 month ahead, and about 15 max staying day. OK then, how are we going to help them? traveler and Res Officer.

Then i came up with looking for multi months view at the same time. So can choose this month or next month at one shot. Check out the link below:
Interesting page about datePicker

You will find all your needs about datetime stuffs.

Main Screen consideration

As purpose of my application: I want to make an application to input word definition, work like input words into dictionary. And also want to see
word definition picked up randomly in some criteria: Like category, dictionary.
So the question is what the main screen should look like?

Obviously, the most common actions will be:

  1. Adding words
  2. Displaying random words
  3. Might want to search for some words
  4. Then come to category, dictionary management

Still thinking ….
After a while, i decided to have these things in the main view, i will use View instead of Screen.
As every software has, it has Logo and menu.

  1. Place to add new word directly.
  2. Place to display random words.
  3. A set of commands to be called from main view, like: create new word, edit word, create new dictionary, create new category,
  4. Ability to search word by keyword, and call up an advanced search

Based on those stuffs, i can come up with building MainModelView class. Quite simple, just contains all information needed to display in View. Remember that, we are in MVVM model, so the ModelView only contains data NOT any specific GUI implementation.

(I will put code here when i finish )

From the specification above, i come up with 2 user controls:

  1. User control for adding new word
  2. User control for displaying random words

One thing lefts, how to position them in main view?

Re-done with NHibernate

As written in previous post, i do re-read the article from Ayende. Yes, to make sure, i fully understand what he is talking about.
OK, i come up with these in my application:

  1. Session’s lifetime is inside a ModelView life: Created automatically when it is first called. And disposed when the ModelView is disposed. These will be done in ModelViewBase class
  2. Keep the idea of DatabindingFactory and Interceptor. However, there is no need for PublisherEvent here. Since i do not need it now.

And of course, borrow all code to initialize NHibernate :p

Next will be MVVM in detail and GUI of the application. From each GUI, i can define scenario for it clearly. Have a better chance of right implementation